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Welcome to my website.
You’ll find a plethora of short stories, poems (I’m an accidental poet), articles (mostly humour, for I’ve a funny bone protected & nurtured by its 205 cousins), and the occasional reviews (I plan to up the ante here). Happy Reading!

Stories & Articles

Ramsay and Meen Moili!

| Short Stories | No Comments
“And… a dash of lime," drawled Gordon Ramsay in his inimitable style. Benny clapped enthusiastically. Cuisines from different countries always had him spellbound. Dishes with…
Unsplash - The Tunnel of Love

The Tunnel of an Illusion Called Love

| Short Stories | One Comment
A shaft of sunlight fell on me. Tiny specks of clouds dotted the azure sky. A whiff of breeze pirouetted with the leaves as the…
An agnistic and a god-fearing woman are seated next to each other on a flight. What happens?

God is a Pilot

| Short Stories | No Comments
The aircraft began its ascent.  Myrtle mumbled an inaudible prayer and made a sign of the cross. Dressed in a long-sleeved white blouse and a…


| Short Stories | No Comments
I took a face tissue from my purse and dabbed my face. The A/C above me was whirring. I cursed myself again. Why did I…
Manya and Mahima Shroff attend the wedding hosted by the Amins. But will the middle-class bahu create an impression?

Much Ado Over Middle-Class Bahus

| Short Stories | No Comments
Manya Shroff stepped out of her sedan in style. The Sabyasachi organza saree looked smug on her fit-as-a-fiddle body. Never the type to dress like…

Ice-Cold Revenge

| Short Stories | One Comment
The train chugs to a halt. A robotic voice from the public announcement system rattles off train and platform numbers. Wordlessly, we alight. The silk…